Data Policy Statement
Forest View Holistic Therapy recognises that your privacy is important and is committed to respecting your privacy. I will apply appropriate protection and management of any information you share with me. The information you submit will be kept confidential and with the highest standards of security. The information you provide will be held and used in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations.
Any personal information provided by you will only be used for the following purposes:
- Delivering therapies
- Booking appointments
- Billing
- Marketing (but only if you agree)
I may also be required under law to surrender records to a legal authority. I will inform you of any such requests unless forbidden by law.
Please understand it is not possible to treat you if I cannot hold any records on you at all.
Data Controller
Please contact myself for all matters related to your records. I can be contacted at the following: 087 2888782, & Forest View, Ballyhard, Glenamaddy, Co Galway.
Where is the data stored?
Records are stored in a locked filing cabinet at Forest View, Ballyhard, Glenamaddy, Co Galway.
The key holder is Joan Molloy only.
Who has access to your records and why?
Joan Molloy for the purposes outlined above.
I will not share your records with any commercial organisation or therapist under any circumstances.
How long is data retained?
All records must be retained for a period of 7 years after the last appointment. However, all records will be destroyed at any time if you request it.
Your rights
You can demand to see all my records on you at any time. Please allow up to 14 days for me to provide them. If you think some information is incorrect, or not needed for the above purposes, you may request I correct or remove it. Since this is an important change, please do so in writing via registered post. You can demand I destroy all records I hold on you. Please allow up to 14 days for me to comply. Requests for destruction of records should be sent in writing via registered post.
Joan Molloy 20 September 2023